Karol Stasiak's Blog

Coding from an elevator.

GraalVM's native-image on Windows 10 x64 – guide and unscientific benchmarks

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Short-lived programs on JVM have a huge disadvantage – they start slowly and a huge part of their code runs interpreted before the JIT compiler kicks in. The solution is to compile the program to native code.

GraalVM is a new polyglot virtual machine, but it also comes with a decent native compiler for JVM programs, called native-image. My initial tests showed that it is worth the hassle for short-lived programs, like compilers and other command-line tools.

I compiled the Millfork compiler with native-image and got huge speedups and the resulting executable runs on Windows out of the box. Here is how I did it.

Getting your Java 8 application to run on Java 11 – in 9 easy steps

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Recently, I had an opportunity to fix two applications to get them running on Java 10 while preserving compatibility with Java 8. Migrating to the module system was not on the table, the goal was just to run everything on a newer OpenJDK. It was not a trivial task: neither of programs worked on Java 10 out of the box. Here’s how I managed to fix the applications so the same binary code could run on Java 8, 10 and the release candidate version of Java 11.

Adding support for page fragments to Google Analytics the quick and easy way

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By default, Google Analytics fires once per page load and therefore it only adds entries when the user navigates between different documents. But today, in the era of frequent single-page applications, this might not be enough. A web app might have multiple different sections, displayed conceptually from within the same document, and Google Analytics won’t track where the use is navigating.

In search of a solution for tracking user behaviour accross the document, I found several guides that required to set up the Google Tag Manager. But I couldn’t be bothered figuring yet another tool, so I decided to look for a more hacky and a simpler solution.

Move from Octopress to Github-side Jekyll

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One of the main reasons I haven’t posted a lot on this blog is that the whole process of building the website was quite cumbersome and required a fully configured Ruby environment. Thankfully, Github offers its own Jekyll installation that automatically builds the website and allows people to submit files straight from the browser. So I decided to spend few hours and unshackle myself from the confines of my local and soon-to-be ditched Ubuntu 14.04 installation that hosted necessary tools. The result is, as you can see, a fully working and functionally-equivalent blog, but which I can edit in a browser. In fact, I’m writing this post in Firefox right now.

Of course, migration was not trivial. I had to make multiple changes:

Incremental synchronization of ZIP files in bandwidth-constrained environments

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Suppose you have two ZIP archives on two different machines and you want to synchronize their contents with minimal network traffic, without much regard for the CPU usage, and you know that the target machine already contains the older version of the archive, which is mostly identical to the new version. For example, you have to upload a fat JAR with the new build over a metered connection, and the server literally sits in a garage at the other end of the country.

If the archive is small, uploading it in its entirety looks simple enough, but if it grows into dozens of megabytes, of which 90% is non-changing 3rd party code, it quickly becomes a waste of both time and bandwidth.

Time is money. And depending on your ISP, bandwidth can be money too.

Long story short, I’m going to assume that the target machine runs Linux, and the source machine runs either Windows or Linux. I am going to use rsync and fuse-zip.

Why those two? Because fuse-zip can convert a ZIP archive into a writeable filesystem, and rsync can sync a writeable filesystem with another. Details below.

Java 8 Functional Interfaces Cheatsheet

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Java 8 introduced basic support for first-class functions. The functions, unlike in other languages, aren’t represented by only handful of types. Instead, Java 8 uses dozens of various types depending on arity, parameter types and the return type. The standard documentation is pretty unwieldy, so for my and your convenience, I prepared a list of all functional interfaces in a more useful order.

Few things to have in mind:

  • All interfaces are in java.util.function package unless otherwise noted.

  • Interfaces are specialized only for boolean, int, long and double, and only sometimes. Other primitive types, and all primitive types in certain situations, will have to be boxed.

Nullary functions

function type Java type
() → void java.lang.Runnable
() → boolean BooleanSupplier
() → int IntSupplier
() → long LongSupplier
() → double DoubleSupplier
() → A Supplier<A> or java.lang.Callable<A>

Random ideas for Scala 3.0

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Here comes a list of things that I would love to see in Scala 3.0. Some of them are breaking changes, hence 3.0 not 2.13 or anything like that. Some of them are about the compiler, some of them are about the library, some of them are about the external tools. Some of those ideas are different solutions for the same problem.

Implementing catamorphisms in Java

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Warning: I’m now going to wake up the ghosts of the past. The past which includes your undergraduate abstract algebra lectures.

This post is mostly a result of my boredom and my willingness to show that you can shoehorn almost every abstraction into almost every programming language, but it’s not exactly the best idea to do so.

Also, I simply wanted to say a word or two about several abstract mathematical concepts. It can be a worthwhile intellectual exercise.


Before I talk about catamorphisms, mentioned in the title, I’d like to have a look at a very abstract and general mathematical structure: an algebra.

An algebra is a tuple that contains:

  • some sets (called carrier sets), most often one

  • usually some operations, each of them from some Cartesian product of the carrier sets to one of the carrier sets

  • sometimes some distinguished elements from those sets (they’re often superfluous, but they will be required later; you can also think about them as of nullary operations)


  • a set of strings Str and the operation of concatenation +: Str × Str → Str

  • a set of natural numbers Nat and the operation of addition: +: Nat × Nat → Nat

  • a set of finite subsets of natural numbers Nat and a set of natural numbers P(Nat), a distinguished empty set Ø and the operations of union and intersection P(Nat) × P(Nat) → P(Nat) and the largest element operation max: P(Nat) → Nat (with max(Ø) = 0)

Note: I’m using the + operator for string concatenation because the article is supposed to end up with creating some Java code, and Java uses + for string concatenation.

From explicit nested monads to Kleisli arrows over monad transformers

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Recently at work I had a task of developing a small tool that could display charts with progress of our data extraction over time.

After each iteration, results of data extraction were stored in several directories and compared against a handwritten reference set.

In short, this is the directory structure:

|--+ batch1
|  |--+ correct
|  |  `--- data.txt
|  |--+ guessed
|  |  |--- data.00000145a8ab68b9.txt
|  |  |--- data.00000145a92a530f.txt
|  |  `--- data.0000014594039f5b.txt
|  |--- input1.pdf
|  |--- input2.pdf
|  `--- input3.pdf
`--+ batch2
   |--+ correct
   |  `--- data.txt
   |--+ guessed
   |  |--- data.00000145a8ab68b9.txt
   |  |--- data.00000145a92a530f.txt
   |  `--- data.0000014594039f5b.txt
   |--- input4.pdf
   |--- input5.pdf
   `--- input6.pdf

The hexadecimal numbers are timestamps in milliseconds since Unix epoch.

Each file consisted of records in the format:

input1.pdf value from the first file
input2.pdf value from the second file
input3.pdf value from the third file

Long story short, there was no difference what programming language I would write the tool in, so I picked Haskell. Let’s ignore most details of the implementation. What’s important for this entry, is that I implemented the following functions:

allCorrectFiles :: [FilePath]  -> IO [FilePath]
allGuessedFiles :: [FilePath]  -> IO [(LocalTime, FilePath)]
readDataFile :: FilePath -> IO [(Entry, String)]
getAllData :: [FilePath] -> IO ([(Entry, String)], [(LocalTime, Entry, String)])

The initial implementation of the getAllData function was straightforward, yet a bit clunky:

getAllData subDirs = do
	correctFiles <- allCorrectFiles subDirs
	guessedFiles <- allGuessedFiles subDirs
	correctData <- mapM readDataFile correctFiles
	guessedData <- forM guessedFiles $ \(t,f) ->
		x <- readDataFile f
		return $ map (\(e,s) -> (t,e,s)) x
	return (concat correctData, concat guessedData)

This code is quite ugly. The especially jarring were the return $ map combination and concats in the final line.

After a while, I noticed that all the functions I call from the getData function are of type a -> IO [b]. A double monad. So, I added transformers library to my project and rewritten that function as:

hOCR4J 0.1 released

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I would like to announce the release of a Java library for parsing hOCR documents: hOCR4J. You can download it from here. I’m planning to get it to Sonatype too, so you may be able to get it from there in the near future.

hOCR is an output format used by OCR programs, including Tesseract. It contains information about all the OCR’d words, their position, and their assumed organisation into lines and paragraphs. Currently, hOCR4J was tested to work with Tesseract-generated hOCR’s, I plan to test other OCR programs in the future.

hOCR4J parses hOCR documents, creates an immutable model for them (nice when using functional programming style), and provides various tools to manipulate and modify them.

hOCR4J makes a good starting point when developing an application which extracts data from OCR’d documents that have non-trivial layouts.