Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home consoles
This project is maintained by KarolS
The current platform configuration for the Apple II targets the original Apple II with an NMOS processor.
Simple programs have been tested on the Apple II, II+, IIe and enhanced IIe. The IIc, IIc+ are untested.
The IIgs may work in compatibility mode, but this is untested. The Apple III is untested.
ProDOS support is handled by the apple2_prodos
The compiler output is a raw machine code file, which then has to be put on a disk. You can do it using CiderPress, AppleCommander, or some other tool.
The file has to be loaded from $0C00. An example how to put such a file onto a disk using AppleCommander:
java -jar AppleCommander.jar -p disk_image.dsk FILENAME B 0xc00 < compiler_output.a2
When you have placed your file on disk, boot the disk and enter this at the BASIC prompt:
This has been successfully tested under DOS 3.3 and ProDOS 2.4, on an Apple II+ and Apple IIe.
Creating a bootable disk is beyond the scope of this document.