
Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home consoles

This project is maintained by KarolS

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Getting started

Hello world example

Save the following as hello_world.mfk:

import stdio

void main(){
    putstrz("hello world"z)

Compile it using the following commandline:

java -jar millfork.jar hello_world.mfk -o hello_world -t c64

or if you’re using a Windows native build:

millfork hello_world.mfk -o hello_world -t c64

Run the output executable (here using the VICE emulator):

x64 hello_world.prg

Basic command-line usage

The following options are obligatory when compiling your sources:

You may be also interested in the following:

For the comprehensive list of command-line options, see Command-line options.