
Millfork: a middle-level programming language targeting 6502- and Z80-based microcomputers and home consoles

This project is maintained by KarolS

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Optimization hints

Optimization hints are optional annotations for functions and variables that allow the compiler to make extra assumptions that help with code optimization.

The general idea is that removing or disabling optimization hints will not break the code, but adding invalid optimization hints may break the code.

Every optimization hint’s name starts with an exclamation mark.

Optimization hints marked with (X) currently do nothing and are planned to be implemented in the future.

Hints for functions

Hints for 6502 assembly functions

These hints have only effect when used on an assembly function on a 6502 target:

Hints for 8080/Z80/LR35902 assembly functions

These hints have only effect when used on an assembly function on a 8080-like target:

Hints for 6809 assembly functions

These hints have only effect when used on an assembly function on a 6809 target:

Hints for variables